Disclaimer: We want to clarify that the test results shown below reflect the experiences of individuals who used Q3 and underwent various medical tests. They are not guarantees of what will happen to you. However, we do highlight that Q3 is designed to help balance your energy and reduce stress. You’re encouraged to review the information and draw your own conclusions.
Greetings from Finland!
I just want to share my opinion of the wearable Q3 band and how it has been working for me.
I purchased the Q3 band about a month ago, and when it arrived, I put it on right away. In the first few days of wearing it, I didn't notice much of a difference or so I thought. However, when I took it off to shower or swim, I noticed a significant change in my mood and feelings.
This thing really works, and it works so well, too. I'm never taking it off again. I absolutely love it.
I feel full of energy and happiness all the time, and my anxiety has disappeared. I practice the trilogy every day, and my life has changed for the better in so many ways.
I no longer feel stressed, and that is the best news ever. I feel truly alive for the first time in a long while.
For anyone considering buying the Q3, just give it a try. You won't regret it.
And the trilogy - oh, what an amazing practice for improving everyday life and striving to be the best.
We weren't born here to suffer and be miserable. We were born to thrive, to be free souls, and to live securely.
We strive for safety and happiness.
With all my love,

Did you know that the human body was not designed to get sick… or become susceptible to disease… and yet it does, especially as we age.
But just because we age, doesn’t mean we need to be more vulnerable, especially with the new wearable health technology you’ll see here today.
And if you ever feel like worrying and stress is eating you alive... Or that it could be why you feel unhealthy why you can’t sleep, think clearly, feel achy, or is the reason behind every health condition people complain about today...
Well, it actually is... according to Dr. Thom Lobe, a highly accredited medical doctor, with degrees in western medicine, law, and alternative and complementary medicine. In fact, so does virtually every other doctor for the last 30 years, including one of the world’s preeminent experts on the health effects of ElectroMagnetic Frequencies and other “stress” pollution.
Today, our technology is designed to assist in managing stress and supporting the body's natural functions. We encourage you to consult with healthcare professionals to determine how this technology might fit into your personal health plan.
The medical doctors and technicians who conducted many different medical tests were baffled when they witnessed a true breakthrough in Quantum 3 wearable technology that radically transformed 6 core health areas, indicating significant change within 30 minutes.
“I have competed at the highest level of professional wrestling for over 30+ years, and I’m in as good, if not better, shape today as I was in my mid-30s. I’m asked consistently — “what’s your secret Jeff!?”. So, at 56 years of age it’s time I start revealing a few of my ‘secrets’! The Q3 Band is at the very top of the list — why?? Concisely, the Q3 Band gives me the ability to get more oxygen — the life blood of humans — and this single fact gives me the ability to improve every facet of my health — physical, mental, and emotional.”
Jeff Jarrett
President - Global Force Entertainment

Why should you care if your cells are stressed?
Stress can impact cellular function, potentially affecting the body’s ability to grow, repair, and maintain optimal health. In the presence of stress, cells may experience reduced efficiency in their functions.
Wearing Q3 technology can contribute to a perceived reduction in stress, which some users feel could support better cellular function. Users have reported improvements in their overall well-being, which they attribute to enhanced cellular function when using Q3 technology.
Reported Benefits Include:
Perceived support in cellular growth and repair.
A feeling of improved overall health with consistent use.
Scientifically Tested And Validated
Q3 has been proven to be effective on both adults and children

See how Quantum 3 restores blood flow and oxygenation

Your blood cells are a large part of what determines your overall health and the way you feel day after day. Blood cells carry oxygen and blood - two critical life forces - which rely on the health of those blood cells.

See The Science
See The Science
Dr. Alex has been featured on

The Impossible, Just Became Possible!

Live Blood Analysis

Heart Rate Variability

Doppler Imaging

BIA Test Results


Electro Dermal Screening

Reduce Body Fat

Increase Hydration

Increase Oxygenation

Reverse Biological Age
Phase Angle Testing Shows Quantum 3 Can Biologically De-Age, Revive, and Strengthen The Body
Today we have a breakthrough in medical testing. The Phase Angle test is recognized by more and more board-certified physicians as the “state of the art” method to determine the health, integrity (strength), and age of a cell using BioImpedance Analysis (BIA) equipment. The Phase Angle test measures approximately 30 different aspects of cellular health and functioning. The machine and testing it does is highly specialized, and requires a doctor or technical operator who understands proper calibration and settings to assure accurate readings.
Phase Angle Testing of Q3 Wearable Technology
Thermography Testing
Thermography is a technique that uses infrared imaging to detect heat patterns and potential early signs of health issues. For instance, it can sometimes help identify changes associated with conditions such as strokes, pain, nerve damage, and arthritis.
WITHOUT Q3 PROTECTION (against cell phone frequencies)

WITH Q3 PROTECTION (against cell phone frequencies)

Heart Rate Variability Testing
Results indicate that 19 out of 22 moved into a state of physiological clinical balance (non-stress) after 30 minutes of wearing Quantum 3 technology. In addition, the overall group had just under 40% more power (energy for the day) 30 minutes after putting on Quantum 3 technology. Standard deviation also significantly improved.

Bill Dickerson is just one of countless people now feeling the Q3 difference…
“I was really doubtful that this quantum band around my wrist would do anything at all, however 2 weeks after wearing my Quantum 3 band, I noticed lots of welcomed changes to my health and life. For example, my heart was no longer skipping beats as it had been doing so erratically for over a year. My doctor’s cardiology nurse practitioner told me that I had the worst pattern she’d ever seen, which is not what you want to hear. But now, my heart has not skipped a single beat in over two weeks and counting, AND I have far more energy. I can play 18 holes of golf, hike 2-3 miles, and zip around all day working the business I own… and I’m 73 years old! In fact after the first 18 holes, I could play another 18! NO ONE IS EVER TAKING THIS AWAY FROM ME! I haven’t been able to do anywhere near this kind of activity and I haven’t felt this good in years. I just wake up feeling younger and better, and get to work with a ton more energy and focus. Wearing the Q3 band is the only change I have made, so I definitely attribute all these life changes to Quantum 3.” – Bill Dickerson
Quantum 3 Health Is A True Paradigm Shift...
Health, Strength, And Biological Age Are Only A Matter Of Having MORE Cells Open And In Growth Mode, Than Closed Cells In Protection Mode
Cells are either open and in growth mode OR closed and in protect mode…

Exactly HOW does the NEW Q3 Technology work?
Stress Cancellation Wearable Technology

Reduce Body Fat

Increase Hydration

Increase Oxygenation

Reverse Biological Age
Like A Tuning Fork: Quantum 3 Creates Optimal Health And Harmony Throughout Your Body

How is this possible? It All Comes Down To ENERGY

What forces cells into survival mode and fighting for their survival in the first place?
This flight/fight response causes your cells and all your visceral organs to become loaded with shut-down signals, and everything the cells do and produce are reserved to either run or fight back.
In this threatened state, cells “close down” and all growth, repair, and processing of oxygen, blood, water, energy, nutrients, and other life-generating activities are minimized.
“We are constantly besieged by multitudes of unresolvable worries about our personal lives, our jobs, and our war-torn global community… resulting in chronically elevated stress,” says Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD, quantum physicist, and world-renowned cellular biologist.
The proportion of cells in a protection response depends on the severity of real or perceived threats. Without protecting your cells against this stress, your growth, health, and vitality will be severely compromised, especially as time goes on.
That’s because a closed cell is the only kind of cell that can get sick, while open cells in growth mode are impervious to disease. When closed cells stay closed in protection mode for too long, it doesn’t take long for the cell to become weak and compromised, according to Dr. Lipton..
But it gets worse..
“Almost every major illness that people acquire has been linked to stress.” says Dr. Lipton.
In fact, for more than 30 years, the Center For Disease Control, and virtually every doctor and scientist agree that stress – and the harmful energy chain of reactions it causes – is the source of up to 95% of all illness and disease.
Where is all this stress coming from?!
And it’s what you can’t see that might be hurting you the most…
The newest 5G cell technology coming to every corner will literally blanket everywhere we live, work and play with ElectroMagnetic Frequencies (EMF’s) that are 100 times more powerful and damaging to your cells than 4G.

All this Bigger, Better, Faster comes at a price… our health.
“Literally eats our bodies alive...”

40,000 studies show 5G could become the biggest health crisis of our time...
Research from top doctors, scientists, and technology leaders site the following health risks of electromagnetic wavelengths like 5G, including:
🔔 Ringing in the ears
💔 Irregular heart beats
🤐 Numbness and tingling
🙃 Mood swings
😭 Emotional instability
🧬 Permanent DNA damage
🤕 Headaches
😴 Insomnia
🧠 Foggy brain
🤯 Inability to concentrate
😫 Fatigue
🤢 Weakness
😰 Nervousness
🚫 Infertility
💔 And countless other physical, mental, and emotional health issues...
See, it’s not just the IONIZING wavelengths on the far right of the spectrum that are dangerous. We now know that even the lower-level NON-IONIZING frequencies damage your health too.
More than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF)...

“EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most ‘safe’ guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.”
At least three major expert medical groups agree, and have scientifically linked 5G EMF to almost every kind of health problem, including the World Health Organization, the NIH National Cancer Institute, and the European Health Commission.
The new 5G wavelengths will extend into the Extremely High Frequency (EHF) band of 30GHz-to-300GHz millimeter wavelengths. In the past, these higher energy levels have been used for radars and microwaves.

See The Science
Consider this...
Why the U.S. and Europe say we are now more vulnerable and unprotected as ever
United States Senator Richard Blumenthal held a special hearing with the leaders of cell phone companies asking for safety studies. The answer was no studies have been done, no studies were planned, and that 5G had not been proven to be safe.
“We’re flying BLIND here with the public’s health and safety,” said Senator Blumenthal. There is no research.”
Maybe we should listen to the European countries, who are ahead of the United States in 5G implementation.
Newsweek reported on a landmark 5G case that shouldn’t be ignored…
“For the first time ever, a judge in Italy has ruled that excessive cellphone use can result in brain cancer. Roberto Romeo, 57, worked for Telecom Italia, a telecommunications company, for 15 years and said 3 to 4 hours per day use of his mobile phone for work-related purposes caused him to develop a tumor in his brain… after a medical examiner determined Romeo's brain cancer damaged 23 percent of his bodily function.”

Now you can see...
Why Protecting Your Cells MUST Become Your #1 Priority...
Remember, you started as ONE CELL…
Then your one cell divided into two cells, and then into 4 cells, and so on, until all of your cells became… YOU.
If you understand one cell, then you understand the entire body, because really, we’re all just a bunch of cells!
Your cells are responsible for everything life-generating, such as processing oxygen, blood, water, energy, nutrients, and eliminating waste and toxins.
It’s just a fact that the way you feel and whether or not you’re able to live life to the fullest all comes down to the performance of your cells.
You’ve probably heard the old saying, “You’re only as young as you feel,” but that’s not quite right.
The biological fact is:
You’re only as healthy as your cells are healthy.
You’re only as energized as your cells are energized.
You’re only as strong and your cells are strong.
You’re only as old as your cells are old.
Introducing… Quantum 3 Wearable Energy Technology
Promote cellular health by supporting stress reduction and energy enhancement, helping to revitalize and strengthen overall well-being.
It’s just “simple” Quantum Physics.
Photons: The life-supporting light frequencies every body needs
ALL BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES interact with photons.
In 1905 Einstein described a certain type of energy that was so basic and interactive to all life processes, he called it a “photon.”
Photons are naturally all around us, and they’re inside us.
In fact, your body literally glimmers with the light of photons.
Photons are little energy packets that travel at the speed of light. They literally fly in and out of your body at warp speed.
And now we know that photons interact and affect every cell function in your body.
A photon is the very smallest unit of all life matter… the tiniest particle inside each atom of all things, living and nonliving (Einstein’s E=mc2).
Photon, meaning the very smallest unit… is virtually the same meaning as Quantum.
In physics, a quantum is: the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction.
Today we now know that ALL BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES interact with photons. So by definition, photons are basic to all of life, and every life process.
Photons are The Energy of Life...

We asked Dr. Bruce Lipton two critical questions when developing Quantum 3 technology:
Can a photon penetrate a closed cell? Yes, says Dr. Lipton. A photon is a stable energy that can get inside a cell. Molecules, for example, cannot penetrate a cell, because they’re too big.
If a photon penetrates a closed cell, can that photon cause a closed cell to open? Yes, says Dr. Lipton.

See The Science
Therefore, the more photons you can keep circulating in your body… the more light and life energy every one of your cells will have.
Click here to read WHY quantum is the new revolution
of Magical Health.
Maybe you’ve heard that Quantum Computers are the revolutionary next generation of computing, and a true paradigm shift.
If it seems that the quantum computer runs on magic, you wouldn't be too far off.
Imagine a system that can make a calculation in 200 seconds that it would take the world's fastest supercomputer 10,000 years to handle…
THAT’S the mind-boggling reality of quantum. It’s science fiction to us, but in the quantum world, it's business as usual. And yet even the scientists who work with quantum can't really explain it.
In the same way we’re entering into a revolutionary new generation of “Quantum Health,” and are seeing equally as grand effects in healing everything photons touch. This too is a true paradigm shift we haven’t seen before now.
Person after person is reporting radical, and even magical health turnarounds, when nothing else they’ve tried before made any real, lasting difference. Now, they have freedom from debilitations they thought they were stuck with for life.
How is both quantum computing and quantum healing THAT FAST and POWERFUL?
The Photon
When you absorb a photon into your body, it infuses every cell with pure, stable energy, which protects, opens, stabilizes, and maximizes all cell functions, instantly.
It’s like boosting your cells’ functionality to the nth degree… super-revving them up to quickly and fully process oxygen, blood, water, energy, and eliminate waste and toxins.
How do photons get from a Quantum 3 band into the body to
support health?
Photons are stored on Quantum 3 technology and get transferred into your body much like other energy waves are stored and transferred.
For example, to make a quantum computer, photons are lasered onto chips that make these new computers process an unimaginable amount of information at the speed of light.
In a similar way, photon frequencies are programmed onto the holograms inside all Q3 technology, much like music or movies are burned onto a CD or DVD.
And just like your skin automatically absorbs sunlight the instant it shines on your skin, and immediately uses it to make Vitamin D and melatonin…
In the same way, the photon frequencies from a Quantum 3 band are instantly absorbed when the hologram is ½ inch from your skin, and start working their magic in your body immediately, and cumulatively over time.
In the same way that a CD or DVD does not need batteries or electricity to work, Q3 technology requires nothing to make it work. You only need to wear it! No batteries, no charging, and no wondering if it’s helping your body. As long as Q3 technology is next to your skin, it’s working its magic!
Q3 Wearable Energy Technology: Designed to Support Cellular Health.
Now you can help promote optimal body function by supporting your cells.
Discover the Potential Benefits of Q3 Wearable Energy Technology.

May reduce Physical and Mental Stress

May decrease Impact from EMF's*
May increase Energy, Strength & Endurance

May activate "Inactive" Muscle Mass

May reduce Body Fat

May increase Hydration

May increase Oxygenation

May reverse Biological Age

Reduce Body Fat

Increase Hydration

Increase Oxygenation

Reverse Biological Age

Backed By Science & Research
Don’t Let Another Damaging Second Go By!
Get Your Own Q3 Wearable Technology Today...
Disclaimer: Testimonials are based on individual experiences and are shared for informational purposes only. Results may vary and are not guaranteed. The individuals providing these testimonials were not compensated for their feedback. The experiences described may not reflect typical results.
Meet Dr. Alex Loyd

Best-Selling Author And Founder Of The Revolutionary Healing Codes Technique

Dr. Alex Loyd stands by his products
Backed By Science & Research