How To Find Balance And Why You Need To
Dr. Alex discusses the importance of finding balance in life and explains how to improve it.
I believe there are three pillars of balance- work, rest, and play.
If all three pillars are working together, we are happier and healthier.
But it only takes one pillar to topple for the others to come tumbling down.
You might not know this, but our body relies heavily on balance to function at an optimal level; it is called homeostasis.
Below, I discuss why balance is so important and how you can find yours.
The dictionary defines balance as ‘An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.’
Think of a mobile hanging above a child’s bed. All the little animals are hanging in harmony.
When something such as a gentle wind or a person’s hand disrupts the mobile, the animals begin to fluctuate and shift.
This is very similar to humans. Disruptions can knock us off-kilter.
In the case of the mobile, it settles itself; but we cannot always say the same for humans!
We are currently living in unprecedented times.
Coronavirus, quarantine, and the resulting isolation have meant that many of us have been unable to work, rest, or play at all let alone find a balance between them all!
As a result, we have witnessed a decline in mental health in the US alongside increased extreme stress.[1]
This is not a coincidence!
Our perception of feeling balanced comes from how external factors, such as work, rest, and play, affect us internally- that is to say, how centered and happy they make us feel and how much emphasis we place on each.
But balance is actually a biological experience too, which we rely upon physically, emotionally, and mentally.
We have 350 systems in our body, 10-12 of which are called macrosystems; this includes the digestive and cardiovascular system.
The rest are called microsystems and they sit inside the macrosystems to help regulate the body.
When we have a negative external experience, such as a lack of sleep or stress at work, exchanged energy stores within the body at a cellular level- almost like a memory.
If we do not resolve the imbalance, stored negative energy begins to build and outweigh the good, disrupting homeostasis and function of the macrosystems.
Cells and tissues cannot function under these conditions, so they ‘switch off.’
Once switched off, our body cannot heal, repair, or grow- causing the scales to tip towards ill health and disease instead. I wrote another article on balance and how it's fundamental to our life.
Let’s look at the core pillars of balance:
Work- Your job, for example
Rest- Sleeping, meditation, and prayer
Play- Exercise and leisure time.
First, try to consider how much you work, rest, and play, then put a percentage against each.
Which one(s) stand out?
From here, it is crucial to begin leveling the playing field. It can be small and sustainable, or big and bold, but it is necessary.
For example, did you know that adequate sleep (6-8 hours) helps regulate our systems, improve mood, and rebalance the body?[2]
Or that meditation is scientifically proven to enhance physical and mental wellbeing?[3]
Whether it’s going to bed earlier, reducing your workday by an hour, learning to meditate, or laughing once a day- begin to adjust those scales!
I truly believe that finding more balance in everyday life can drastically improve wellbeing.
Do you want to learn how to release negative stress too?
Trilogy For Health combines the best energy healing modalities from around the world into one healing plan, restoring balance in mind, body, and spirit.
Check out my video on balance here.
Have a blessed, wonderful day!
Alex Loyd
[1] Cited 16.06.21,
[2] Doherty R, Madigan S, Warrington G, Ellis J. Sleep and Nutrition Interactions: Implications for Athletes. Nutrients. 2019 Apr 11;11(4):822. doi: 10.3390/nu11040822. PMID: 30979048; PMCID: PMC6520871.
[3] Behan C. The benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices during times of crisis such as COVID-19. Ir J Psychol Med. 2020;37(4):256-258. doi:10.1017/ipm.2020.38